Chaosmosemedia Association

The website maintenance will be paid for by money resulting from the memberships of the Chaosmosemedia association.

We invite you to participate in the process of creating this website by joining the association and by sending us texts, images and interviews, which will enable us to illustrate the many connections between Felix’s thought and the current evolution of the world.

To join the association:

Annual membership fee of 50 euros or more (organisations 300€)

Cheques should be made payable to “Chaosmosemedia” and be sent to Annick Kouba. 174 boulevard Chanzy. 93100 Montreuil.

For bank transfers:
Chaosmosemedia CIC Paris Bastille. IBAN: FR76 3006 6102 3100 0204 0200 181

Email us: We welcome all your suggestions and memberships. Write to