Chaosmotechnics? Art, Media, Techniques, after Deleuze and Guattari
Friday, 3 February 2023, 9am – 8pm
Chaosmotechnics: art, media, techniques after Deleuze and Guattari Neill Lecture Theatre Trinity Long Room Hub Friday 3 February 2022 9.00-9.20 Welcome Address and Introduction 9:20-10.05 Professor Toshiya Ueno, Wako University, Tokyo (Critical Postmedia Network): Guattari, Joyce, and Glissant Meet in Archipelago(es) 10.05-10.20 Coffee Break 10.20-11.05 Professor Alex Taek-Gwang Lee, Kyung Hee University, Seoul (Critical … Chaosmotechnics? Art, Media, Techniques, after Deleuze and Guattari <br> Friday, 3 February 2023, 9am – 8pm
Capitalism and Schizophrenia, Year 51
Conference 50 years of Anti-Œdipus The meeting of a philosopher and a political activist and psychoanalyst thanks to a typewriter The meeting of Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari, and their tandem, Deleuze-Guattari, the power of this tandem, is an object of wonder Before they met, Gilles Deleuze was a very brilliant philosophy teacher, in high … Capitalism and Schizophrenia, Year 51
Hello! As part of the International Days – Guattari + 30. I will give to hear “FAST!” said published in March 2022 by The CHAOSMIC ARTIST Saturday 22 October,6pm (duration 55′) Salle de la Coupole, University of Paris 8 / St DenisAccess: – Metro Line 13 Terminus Saint-Denis Université. Thirty years after his death, the … FÉLIX GUATTARI – VITE !
Offered by Ramuntcho Matta
The other day I got a call to say that they were going to celebrate thirty years since Felix died. I don’t know precisely who “they” were, but I find it strange to celebrate a death… But sorry sorry You are entitled to wonder who Felix was When I’m sixteen, I have a schizo brother … COLLATERAL TRIBUTE <br> Offered by Ramuntcho Matta
a non-aligned action in homage to Félix Guattari
organised at Robert Milin’s “jardins des habitants” at the Palais de Tokyo
will take place on 20 October from 5pm to 8pm
a non-aligned action in homage to Félix Guattari organised in Robert Milin’s “gardens of the inhabitants” at the Palais de Tokyo will take place on October 20th from 5pm to 8pm the principle , Individuals like ★ a talking circle swallows on a wire ★ a flock of sparrows ★ unaligned action # 29 ★ … a non-aligned action in homage to Félix Guattari<br> organised at Robert Milin’s “jardins des habitants” at the Palais de Tokyo<br> will take place on 20 October from 5pm to 8pm
Seminar “Transversality and heterogenesis”
Monday 17 October
Monday 17 October at 3pm at EHESS, 54 bd Raspail, Room AS1_08. Follow the seminar remotely:
Colloquium/meetings of the Alternative to Psychiatry Network
19 October at Censier from 10am to 8pm
COLLOQUIUM: What alternatives? Réseau Réseau-Alternative à la psychiatrie Forum + video-letters projections + performance Open to all 19 October 2022 Amphitéàtre B, from 10am to 7pm Censier, 13, rue de Santeuil, Paris 5th arrondissement In 1975 the international network ‘Alternatives to Psychiatry’ was founded in Brussels. It was born out of the desire to articulate … Colloquium/meetings of the Alternative to Psychiatry Network <br>19 October at Censier from 10am to 8pm
Guattari + 30 conference at Paris 8 – 20-22 October 2022
LIENS/CONNECTION LINKS/ZOOM LINKS (one per room) Salle de la Recherche BU password (if required): 200653. Maison de la recherche MR002 Programme ATTENTION: the CREPEAU CORMERY dialogue at the end of the day on 20 October is cancelled INTERNATIONAL GUATTARI+30 DAYS University of PARIS 8, 20-21-22 September 2022 CHAOSMOSEMEDIA association Research Room … Guattari + 30 conference at Paris 8 – 20-22 October 2022
Chaosmosemedia in Japan 2022
– 20 Oct. Web Presentation (YouTube only) Language: English Presenters: Yuki KAGAWA (organizer), Mahoro MURASAWA(co-organizer), Yuki TANAKA, Joff BRADLEY, Keiichiro ARIMA, Keisuke OTANI – 22 Oct. Open Symposium in Kyoto (and YouTube) Language: Japanese only Speakers: Masaaki SUGIMURA, Takuya MATSUMOTO, Mamoru ITO, Mahoro MURASAWA (co-organizer), Kazunori KONDO, Yuki KAGAWA(organizer) Information; Mahoro Murasawa
Felix Guattari in Chile in 1991
Revista Disenso is an editorial project whose purpose is to contribute to a new understanding of politics. It was born in the midst of the revolts of the “Chilean October”(2019) and after verifying the inadequacy of the categories with which the political is thought and practised: exhaustion of a lexicon, but also of a grammar, … Felix Guattari in Chile in 1991
PRESS RELEASE GUATTARI + 30 OCTOBER 2022 Onemonthof festivities dedicatedtoes to the thoughtof Félix Guattari Thirty years afterès passing, Félix Guattari leaves behindèbetween him – and obviously before us – a wealth ofe d‘idexperiences and d‘expinvaluable experiences, a Tierra del Fuego of‘owhere anti-capitalist, feminist, decolonial and eenvironmentalist struggles arise. However, Félix Guattari’s work remains little … GUATTARI+30
Rhizomatic Friendship
Chaosmosemedia is a project of rhizomatic friendship around the thought of Félix Guattari, François Pain, Anne Querrien, Annick Kouba, Susana Caló, Claude Harmelle, Franco Berardi and François Marcelly-Fernandez, and all those who will join us. Are already members of the association: Jean-Claude Polack Peter Pál Pelbart (Loja | N-1 Edições : Miguel Norambuena Gary … Rhizomatic Friendship
Madness and Machines: Félix Guattari in Context
Chaosmosemedia Association
The website maintenance will be paid for by money resulting from the memberships of the Chaosmosemedia association. We invite you to participate in the process of creating this website by joining the association and by sending us texts, images and interviews, which will enable us to illustrate the many connections between Felix’s thought and the … Chaosmosemedia Association