Colloquium/meetings of the Alternative to Psychiatry Network
19 October at Censier from 10am to 8pm
COLLOQUIUM: What alternatives?
Réseau Réseau-Alternative à la psychiatrie
Forum + video-letters projections + performance
Open to all
19 October 2022
Amphitéàtre B, from 10am to 7pm
Censier, 13, rue de Santeuil,
Paris 5th arrondissement
In 1975 the international network ‘Alternatives to Psychiatry’ was founded in Brussels. It was born out of the desire to articulate alternatives to psychiatry, wherever they existed, throughout the world (Europe, Latin America, USA…). In France, the Network reacted to the experience of the sectorisation of psychiatry, which, despite its attempt at integration, showed that the stigmatisation and abuse associated with psychiatric hospitals did not end with the simple geo-demographic reorganisation of mental health services.
But the Network also corresponded to the need not to separate the struggles against psychiatric confinement from the struggles of mental health workers, alternatives to psychiatry or the right to participation of the psychiatrically ill in matters that concern them.
According to Félix Guattari, it was a question of “creating a militant practice of psychiatry which is not closed in on itself, but which links the problems of mental illness to broader social struggles, to a social and political alliance” (Réseau Alternative à la Psychiatrie, 1977, 93). Alternatives to psychiatry would come in line with other struggles, involving changes in subjectivity, racism, women’s emancipation, popular knowledge and alternatives. This would only be possible if all those concerned were involved.
Today, the main trends in psychiatry are in line with the times, aligned with the precepts of neo-liberalism. But this abrasive and one-dimensional modernity leaves the majority of patients, their relatives and carers suffering. Initiatives are nevertheless emerging to continue to seek alternative paths in the spirit of the old Network.
In the social and political sphere, the struggles of the time are being joined, with greater vigour, by problems linked to immigration, ecology and the destruction of the planet, racism, the capitalist control of subjectivity, security dogma and the destruction of minorities’ ways of life. Hence the importance of encouraging the meeting of groups that deal with these issues. This will be the purpose of this day.
We invite you to create a space for the articulation of alternatives, for support and solidarity, for mutual learning, where all those concerned can express themselves: collectives, psychiatrists, users, nurses, psychologists, families, researchers, educators…
A polyphonic and open meeting… The day will be structured around presentations by the different collectives, videos sent by the international collectives and the ensuing discussions. The event will be recorded and filmed so that it can be shared with the participating international collectives and all those who cannot attend in person.
Interventions by Fantazio throughout the conference.
10-00: 10:20 – Introduction / opening remarks
Susana Caló, François Pain, François Marcelly-fernandez
Paul Brétécher – A piece of history
10:20 – 12:00 – Some collective experiences in France
La Trame
Les de La Chesnaie
Collectif de La Borde
L’Autre “lieu” – R.A.P.A. (by zoom)
Centre Artaud and L’association Humapsy
11 :45 – 12 :15 – Discussion
12 :15 -13 :00 – Brazil from the peripheries – Peter Pál Pelbart
Area 174, Radio Fragola, Gorizia – video-letter
Video-letter Minneapolis – Lyn Corelle and Sasha Warren
13 :00 – 14 :30 Lunch break
International collective experiences. Free viewing of video-letters and material from international collectives*.
14 :30 – 16 :00 – Some collective experiences in France
Encore heureux. Le Mans La Fonderie
Collectif deconniatrie
Collective of Marseille
16 :00 – 16 :30 Discussion
16:30h – 17 :00 – Break
17:00 – 18:00 – Collective forum
What possibilities of “nomadism” among the collectives?
What forms of mutual support?
Sharing of future actions.
18:30 – 19:00 – Closing performance by Fantazio.
* International collective experiences:
Area 174, La Collina Cooperativa Sociale, Radio Fragola, Lunatico Festival, Guillermo Giampietro, Vozes de dentro, Radio Nikosia, Radio Vilardevoz, (Não) coma o Microfone, Coletivo de Pesquisa em Antropologia e Saúde (CPaS-1), BAPHORAU, Radio Nikosia, Asamblea Instituyente por Salud Mental, Desmanicomialización y Vida Digna, Marcha por Salud Mental, Desmanicomialización y Vida Digna, Other Ways to Care, Safer Use Sketches, Maccess, Left Psychotherapy Discord Server, Project LETS, Lyn Corelle and Sasha Warren (video letter from Minneapolis), The Wildflower Alliance. , Paola Debellis, Pantxo Ramas, and Cristina Ribas.
The event will be recorded and broadcast by the radio collective La Parole Errante.
The day is part of the Guattari + 30 week of events in October.
Organised by Association Chaosmosemedia.
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